Kerala-based publishing house and mass communications company, Mathrubhumi Group has ventured into the music industry with the launch of Kappa Originals. The new music label was launched over the weekend in Kochi with the unveiling of the music album, ‘I’m Original’ featuring five original tracks from musicians such as Sayanora, Rex Vijayan, Job Kurian and others.
Kappa Originals is an extension of the publishing house’s Kappa TV, a channel dedicated to promoting music from Kerela and other Southern Indian states. Music director Bijibal who launched the label and its debut album said the initiative opens new avenues for musicians with the sky being the limit, according to Mathrubhumi’s coverage.
MV Shreyams Kumar, Managing Director, Mathrubhumi told the newspaper, “Kappa Originals aims to offer a platform of opportunities for budding musicians. It is opening up new doors for musicians in a transparent manner.”
Listen to Kappa Originals’ music here