On his 56th birthday, Oscar-winning multi-instrumentalist and composer A.R. Rahman took to social media to announce the launch of his latest initiative, a new metaverse platform titled ‘Katraar’, developed in partnership with The HBAR Foundation, the US-based organisation that empowers entrepreneurs and creators on the Hedera network.
“We are using decentralised technology to build a global community of music lovers and artists to share their common passion for creativity,” states the platform. “It’s an exclusive platform to promote new creations in music and other art forms.”
Katraar, which is a Tamizh (Tamil) word that ‘translates to a group of learned, wise people who can change the world’ also features a logo that incorporates a robotic arm “holding an ancient palm script – signifying the embracement of past and future in an organic manner”.
“This platform is to bring in new talents technologies and to bring direct revenue for artists,” said Rahman. “This platform is to innovate… for freedom. The world is opening up and it’s important to learn new things. Right now, we’re working with the HBAR foundation to do many cool things, one of them is NFTs which are rare and unique in music, art and storytelling.” The musician also revealed Katraar is developing an undisclosed project based on virtual beings to “find a whole new expression to thoughts which are trapped in an older form”.
The digital platform for independent musicians and artists aims to empower creators by not only hosting their work but also with monetisation. Katraar which has been just announced is currently in the first phase of operations, that is building an active community of music lovers. This will be followed by creating a long-term sustainable revenue model for artists through assets. Finally, the platform will operate in the metaverse, enabling virtual collaborations across the globe.
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